Well, we thought we were doing good and had broken our streak of ER visits. I have saved all of his hospital bracelets and so far we have a 15 mo, 18 mo, 21 mo, and now a 2 yr. And to top it all off, we are in between insurances right now. Our new insurance starts up in 2 days, isn't that how life always happens? My little B-Man is pretty crazy to say the least. He's just a little too brave for his own abilities. This time he jumped off the couch after asking if he could and Ryan saying no, of course he did it anyway and somehow managed to slam right into the corner of the coffee table. (PS coffee table is leaving our house this week to be replaced with a soft, cushiony ottoman) We knew immediately that he needed stitches, there was a good-size hole in his forehead and you could see the layers of skin and muscle into what looked like his skull (just the membrane around the skull). He didn't even cry either, he was pretty chill through the whole process until we had to hold him down for the stitches. He does not like to be restrained. Anyway, they did a few inner sutures since it was so deep and then 5 stitches on the outside. And besides a new scar added to his forehead he will be just fine. So far we have tallied a glued forehead, stitches to his ear, and concussion with a CT Scan, and now stitches to his forehead. Please send good vibes our way so we do not have to visit that dang ER room again for a looong time!!!
McDonald's Salad
14 years ago