Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Halloween and the Holidays


Yes, we are the type of people who dress up our dogs every year.

Suprisingly, Beckam actually cuddled up to him right after I took this picture.

Ward cousins and Aunt Mindy

My mom always gets into costume, I love it!


No crying with Beckam, he goes to strangers all to easy.

Christmas jammies with Shelby

Best part of the night for Beckam was jumping off the stairs.

All of our Christmas jammies.

Christmas morning, oh ya!

He is signing candy while chowing down. Best breakfast ever!

New Years Eve

Sister power!

Second trip to the ER on New Years Eve. Split ear open and six stitches later...


Jeff and Susan said...

Fun pictures! The stitches look like they hurt! No fun for little beckham! Hope all is well!
