So, here are some of the adorable pics of our little boy. He was seriously such a stinker to take pictures of...I have tried on three or four different occasions but he does not like cooperate. I still need to find time to edit another group of pics so more to come. A huge thanks to Cathy Wall and Shalee Nay for being so willing and patient with us. I just love them...I couldn't have captured these moments without your talents. Thank you so much, I will always treasure having them!!
McDonald's Salad
14 years ago
oh they are gorgeous! love it!
I think he looks a lot like Ryan! Nice picures!
Hey McCall I found your blog off of Missy's hope you dont mind :) The newborn pic's are so cute! And he does look a lot like your hubby.
PS My blogs private but if you ever want to check it out send me your email and I will send you an invite
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